Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)

HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, 'AUGUST 21, 1929 PRAVEL-SHIPPING RA RANSPORTATION-RESORTS SHIPPING CALENDAR (Ordinary regutar mall for the coast closes at the postoffice one and half hours prior to steamer pepartures. Mail for the Orient, Australia and taland ports closes one hour before sailing time. Registered mail for the mainland closes two and one-haif hours before salling time, Oriental registered, three hours; Australian registered, two hours; island ordinary. day sailings, except Haleakala, one and one -half hours: island registered, Haleakala, two hours; island regis. tered, night sailings, two and one-half hours.) Telephone customs office, 2444, and harbormaster's office, 1334, for infor.

matior. on arrivals and departures of ships daytime and pilot office, 1331, from 5 p. m. to 7 a. m.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21 AUGUST MAILS TO THE COAST Diamond Head 31 SEPTEMBER MAILS TO COAST City of Los Angeles Aug. Taiyo Maru Aug. 27 Maul 28 President Lincoln 29 Sierra 30 Malolo 30 Wilhelmina Niagara Sept. City of Honolulu Sept. Tenyo Maru Sept.

Matsonia 11 Malolo Sept. President Madison 12 Bokuyo Maru Caiawaii 14 Manoa Sept. 18 Sonoma Sept. 20 Korea Maru 21 City of Los Angeles Sept. 21 Wilhelmina Sept.

24 Maui Sept. 25 President Jackson Sept. 26 Diamond Head Sept. 28 AUGUST MAILS FROM THE COAST President Taft 22 Diamond Head Aug. 26 Malolo Aorangi 28 Manukai 28 President Polk 30 City of Honolulu 30 Wilhelmina 31 SEPTEMBER MAILS FROM COAST Matsonia 3 Siberia Maru Sept.

3 Ventura President Jefferson Sept. 010 Calawaii Sept. Manoa Malolo 11 President Adams Sept. 13 City of Los Angeles Sept. 13 Ginyo Maru 16 Maui 17 Taiyo Maru 17 President Lincoln 19 Wilhelmina 21 Diamond Head Sept.

23 Sierra Sept. 25 Niagara Sept. 25 President Harrison Sept. 27 City of Honolulu 27 AUGUST MAILS TO ORIENT President Taft 22 President Polk 30 SEPTEMBER MAILS TO ORIENT Siberia Maru 3 President Jefferson Sept. 01 President Adams 13 Ginyo Maru Sept.

16 'Taiyo Maru Sept. 17 President Lincoln 19 President Harrsion 27 AUGUST MAILS FROM THE ORIENT Taiyo Maru 27 President Lincoln 29 SEPTEMBER MAILS FROM ORIENT Tenyo Maru 7 President Madison Sept. 12 Bokuyo Maru 13 Korea Maru Sept. 21 President Jackson 26 AUGUST MAILS TO AUSTRALIA Aorangi Aug. 28 SEPTEMBER MAILS TO AUSTRALIA Ventura Sierra Sept.

25 Niagara 25 AUGUST MAILS FROM AUSTRALIA Sierra 30 SEPT. MAILS FROM AUSTRALIA Niagara 6 Sonoma 20 ARRIVALS Somme, from San Francisco, noon today. DEPARTURES Manoa, for San Francisco, noon today. Santa Cecelia, for Kahului, midnight Tuesday. Yacht Casiana, for Hilo and Los Angeles, 2 p.

m. Tuesday. The following are the piers at which vessels of various lines arrive and depart: LASSCO 8 Matson Navigation 9-10-11 Canadian-Australasian Line -Oceanic Pier N. Y. K.

S. S. Co. Pier Dollar Steamship Co. Pier Inter-Island S.

N. Co.Piers 12, 18, 14, 15 TRANSPORT SCHEDULE (Subject to Change) TO ARRIVE Somme Aug. 21 Meigs 9 Somme 17 U. S. Grant 18 Cambrai 25 U.

S. Kenowis Grant 1 Chateau Thierry Nov. 12 Meigs Somme Dec. 12 Cambrai 10 Meigs Jan. 22 St.

Mihiel 13 Kenowis Feb. 14 U. S. Grant 14 Meigs Mar. 16 Cambrai Mar, 21 U.

S. Grant 31 Chateau Thierry Apr. 25 Meigs 8 TO DEPART Somme Aug. 28 Meigs Sept. 15 U.

S. Grant 19 GEODETIC SURVEY 5th Floor, Aloha Tower AT HONOLULU HARBOR WATER SUN NOON Rises Sets Rises Sets Ht. AM PM PM AM 5:41 6:27 7:09 5:58 5:41 6:26 7:44 6:51 5:41 6:25 8:18 7:45 5:42 6:25 8:51 8:38 5:42 6:24 9:27 9:32 5:42 6:23 10:06 10:28 5:42 6:22 10:50 11:28 PM 5:42 6:22 11:39 12:30 elevation of each tide above the plane always additive to the chart depths when the numbers are subtracitve following places, either add or subtract MOON PHASES Last quarter, Tuesday, Aug. 27 New moon. Tuesday, Sept.

3 First quarter, Tuesday, 10. Full moon, Wednesday, Sept. 18 J. H. PETERS, Lieu enant, Coast and Survey, Geofficer in Charge.

THIRTEEN Legal Notices MATTER OF THE PETITION OF KIYOTOKI MATSUSHAMA. MATSUSHIMA, HARUKO MATSUSHIMA, KIYOSHI and ROBERT TAKASHI MATSUSHIMA FOR CHANGE OF NAME -DECREE. On consideration of the petition of KIYOTOKI MATSUSHIMA, YUKI MATSUSHIMA, MATSUSHIMA, KIYOSHI HARUKO MATSUSHIMA and ROBERT TAKASHI ing their MATSUSHIMA, for a decree changIDETA, YUKI KIYOSHI IDETA, HARUKO names to KIYOTOKI IDETA and ROBERT TAKASHI IDETA, and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority in me by law vested and thereunto enabling, LAWRENCE M. JUDD, Governor of the Territory of Hawaii, do hereby order that the names of KIYOTOKI MATSUSHIMA, YUKI MATSUSHIMA, HARUKO MATSUSHIMA, KIYOSHI MATSUSHIMA and ROBERT TAKASHI MATSUSHIMA be, and are hereby changed to KIYOTOKI IDETA, YUKI IDETA.

HARUKO IDETA, KIYOSHI- IDETA and ROBERT of this published for TAKASHI HEIDETA, and that a copy least four consecutive weeks in the "HONOLULU a newspaper of general circulation in the Territory of Hawaii, published at Honolulu, Hawaii, in the said Territory. Dated, August 20th, A. D. 1929, at Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. LAWRENCE M.

JUDD, (SEAL) Governor of Hawaii, (Aug. 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11) NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the license to sell the hereinafter described real estate granted to the undersigned by the Honorable Charles S. Davis, Third Judge of the Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit, Territory of Hawaii, on the 30th day of July, A.

D. 1929, in the matter of the estate of James Kanoa Paele, Deceased, the undersigned, Administrator of said Estate, on Saturday, the 24th day of August, A. D. 1929, at 12 o'clock noon, at the front door of the Judiciary Building in Honolulu, will expose and offer for sale at public auction and will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: (1) All of Lots 4 and 5 of Block Puunui Tract, in the City of Honolulu, except the portion of said lots heretofore conveyed by decedent to Yim Ah Lin by deed recorded in Book 786, on pages 295- 298, the remaining portion belonging to decedent, containing an area of 4148 square feet more or less. (Upset price $800.00.) (2), Land at Laiemaloo, L.

C. A. 4222, R. P. 2917 to Koi, containing area of 1.686 acres.

(Upset price $200.00.) (3) Land at Hauula, L. C. A. 4265, R. P.

2910, described in deed recorded in Book 25, Page 286, of the records of the Registry of ances of the Territory of Hawaii at Honolulu. (Upset price (4) Land at Laiewai, L. C. A. 85593 R.

P. 7494, containing an area of .50 acre. (Upset price $100 100.) Parcel No. 1 above is subject to a lease to Hoshino for a term of twenty years commencing the 1st day of August, 1912. Terms of Sale: Cash in United States gold coin, of the purchase price to be paid at the time of sale and the balance to be paid immediately upon the execution and delivery by the Administrator of a deed or deeds to the purchaser or purchasers.

Deed or deeds at the expense of the purchaser or purchasers, sale subject to confirmation by the Court. For particulars apply to the undersigned at McCandless Building. Dated at Honolulu, this 30th day of July, A. D. 1929.

S. C. HUBER, Administrator of the above entitled Estate. 31, Aug. 7, 14, 21) DINNER TURBANS Milady just must have dinner turban this autumn.

They are deftly draped, enchanting colors and exquisite fabrics, matching one's gown. C. BREWER COMPANY, LTD. (Established 1826) Sugar Factors Commission Merchants Shipping and Insurance Agents FORT STREET Honolulu, T. H.

ALEXANDER BALDWIN, LTD. Sugar Factors Commission Merchants and Insurance Agents AGENTS FORHawaiian Commercial Sugar Ltd. Maui Agricultural Ltd. Kahului Railroad Co. Baldwin Packers, Ltd.

Hawaiian Sugar Co. McBryde Sugar Ltd. Kaual Railway Co. Kanai Fruit Land Ltd. Kabuko Plantation Co.

Olupalakua Ranch, Ltd. Haleakala Ranch Co. Legal 1ST CIRCUIT Estate KEE, Deceased. P. 7953.

FILED document tament porting to of be the the above Last Will named and dece- Tesdent, together with a petition praying for probate thereof and for the issuance of letters testamentary to Mau Lyau Shee. MONDAY, September 23, 1929, at p. before the presiding Judge in Probate, in his courtroom, Judiclary Building, Honolulu, T. is I proving appointed said the Will time and and hearing place for all parties interested. Dated, Honolulu, T.

Aug. 14. 1929. By the Court, John Lee Kwai, Clerk. (Aug.

14, 21, 28, Sept. 4, 1929) 1ST CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE. Estate SAMUEL A. JAEGER, Deceased. P.

7513. FINAL of Bishop Trust Administrator, and Petition for allowance of same, determination of trust and distribution of estate having been filed, all persons interested are notified that MONDAY, September 23, 1929, at 2 p. before the Judge presiding in Probate, in his courtroom, clary Building, Honolulu, T. is appointed the time and place for hearing said Petition and Accounts. Dated, Honolulu, T.

August 14, 1929. By the Court, John Lee Kwai, Clerk. (Aug. 14, 21, 28, Sept, 4, 1929) 1ST CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE. Estate TATSUJIRO ODA, Deceased.

P. 7960. FILED a document purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of the above named decedent, together with a petition praying for probate thereof and for the issuance of letters to HACHIRO KISHI. MONDAY, September 23, 1929, at 2 p. before the presiding Judge in Probate, in his courtroom, Judiciary Building, Honolulu, T.

is appointed the time and place for proving said Will and hearing all parties interested. Dated, Honolulu, T. August 21, 1929. By the Court, John Lee Kwai, Clerk. (Aug.

21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 1929) 1ST CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE. Estate OHK YUNG SIR, Deceased. P. 7740.

FINAL ACCOUNT of Bishop Trust Administrator, and Petition for allowance of same, determination of trust and distribution of estate having been filed, all persons interested are notified that MONDAY, Sept. 30, 1929, at 2 p. before the Judge presiding in Probate, in his courtroom, Judiciary Building, Honolulu, T. is appointed the time and place for hearing said Petition and Accounts. Dated, Honolulu, T.H., Aug.

21, 1929. By the Court, John Lee Kwai, Clerk. (Aug. 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 1929) NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE Pursuant to a decree of foreclosure and sale made by the Honorable C.

S. Davis, Second Judge of the Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit, Territory of Hawaii, at Chambers, in equity, on the 5th day of August, 1929, in an action entitled: HENRY WATERHOUSE TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED, vs. ELIAS L. JONES, BELLA K. JONES, GEORGE T.

COULTER and C. S. YUEN, bill to foreclose a mortgage Equity No. 3004, the undersigned as Commissioner, duly appointed and qualified as such by decree of foreclosure and sale, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the confirmation of the Court, on Wednesday, September 4, 1929, at 12 o'clock noon of said day at the office of A. H.

Rice Company, Limited, 227 South King Street, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, all and singular the mortgaged premises mentioned in said decree of foreclosure and sale and described as follows: "All of certain lot or parcel of land (portion of the land described in Land Commission Award Number 803, Apana 10, to A. Adams), situate, lying and being at the East corner of Gulick Avenue and Kealoha Street, in Kalihi, Honolulu, City and of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, and particularly bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at concrete post marked at the West corner of this piece of land, being also the East corner of Gulick Avenue and Kealoha Street, the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to a Government Survey Street Monument near the North corner of King Street and Gulick Avenue being 1003.8 feet North and 1574.5 feet East, and running by true azimuths: 1. 74.0 feet olong the South side of Gulick Avenue to a pipe; 2. 05' 76.0 feet along same to a stake; 3. 05' 148.16 feet; 4.

05' 156.9 feet to a stake; 5. 42' 151.42 feet along the East side of Kealoha Street to the point of beginning and containing an area of 22,855 square feet, and being the same property conveyed to this Mortgagor by deed of Loo Joe, dated July 24th, A. D. 1920, and recorded in the Office of the Registrar of Conveyances in Honolulu, in Liber 554 on pages 478-479; "Together with all buildings and improvements which are now or may hereafter be erected on said land or any part thereof, during the continuance and life of these presents, and all tenements, rights, easem*nts, privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging or appertaining or held and enjoyed therewith." TERMS OF SALE: Cash in U. S.

Gold coin, ten per cent of the price bid to be paid on the fall of the hammer, balance to be paid into Court upon confirmation of the Sale by the Court and execution and delivery of the deed or deeds of conveyance by the Commissioner, deed at the expense of the purchaser or purchasers to be prepared by the attorneys for the complainant, Henry Waterhouse Trust Company, Limited. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Robertson Castle, Attorneys for complainant, Henry Waterhouse Trust Company, Limited, at their office, Castle Cooke Building, Merchant Street, or the office of the undersigned, 227 South King Street, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. Dated Honolulu, T. August 5th, 1929.

ELMER R. DAVIS, Commissioner. (Aug. 7, 14, 21) A woman is apt to envy a parrot if it can talk faster than she can. FIRE DESTROYS LEWIS AIRPLANE Spark Catches In Dope of Wings of His Cabin The first private airplane to be owned by a resident of Hawaii, a two-passenger, cabin monoplane, owned by E.

H. Lewis, pioneer aviation enthusiast, was destroyed by fire within a minute late Monday afternoon. The plane, which was used by Lewis for his personal flying, burned at the John Rodgers airport when a flare from a welding torch set its heavily doped fabric on fire. The fire was a quick one. Within a minute the plane, which had less than 50 hours in the air, had been turned into a warped mass of steel and ash.

Its loss represents about $4000 to Lewis. The owner only recently purchased a new, highly-improved aircooled motor for use on the plane. The welding which was being done when the fire started was on alterations necessary before the plane could accommodate a new running gear that Lewis had bought for it. Witnesses of the fire emphasized that it was not in any way due to airplane flight, but was an accident that might have occurred to any vehicle under similar repairs. GIRL SEEKS DEATH Fourteen Helen Martin, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Henry J. Martin, 1116 Alapai today was discharged from the Queen's hospital where she was taken Tuesday night after she had swallowed poison in an attempt to commit suicide. The police said the girl attempted suicide after quarreling with her father, whom she claimed had been ill-treating her. VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS -In Honolulu, August 19, to Mr.

and Mrs. Juan Mariano Villada, of Kaneohe, Oahu, daughter. BRIGHT- -In Queen's hospital, August 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bright 1411 Alexander Punahou, daughter, Dorothy Mariano.

WATSON-In Honolulu, August 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers David Watson, 4266 Wilhelmina Rise, daughter, Ada Beatrice DuCrois Kaaloha. PAKELE- In Honolulu, July 26, to Mr. and Mrs.

Libert Pakele, 1711 Kanakanui Kalihi, son, Fred Dale. LUM-In Queen's hospital, August 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Chew Lum, 968-8 Hikina Lane, son. WONG--In Queen's hospital, August 15, to Mr.

and Mrs. Kam Chong Wong, 1168 Maunakea daughter. -In Queen's hospital, August 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Young Hung, 3052 Monsarrat Kapahulu, daughter.

LEE -In Honolulu, August 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Chung K. Lee, 1249 Fort Daniel Young. CHANG-In Honolulu, August 6, to Mr.

and Mrs: Thomas Tai Chang of Iao Lane, daughter, Evelyn Kim Taw. KOBORI-In Honolulu, August 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Shigemori Kobori of Keeaumoku near Wilder Makiki, son, James Akira. SARUWATARI-In Honolulu, August 14, to Mr.

and Mrs. Torazo Saruwatari, 682 N. King Palama, son, Yoshio. SUGIHARA-In Honolulu, August 13, to Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Klichi Sugihara, 656 School daughter, Ruth Masako. KANEKO-In Honolulu, August 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Katsuto Kaneko, 1962 S. King Pawaa, daughter, May Takae.

MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Filed August 20: Howard Young Sheong Kam, 28, 1511 Kalakaua and Elsie Shun Ling Wong, 25, 1024-A Morris Lane. Matsu Shimabuku, 41, Kalo Lane, and Kushi Nakada, 31, same address. Choon Sung Kim, 26, 616 S. School and Dora Park, 21, 1136 N. School St.

Jay Stowell Wright, 27, Hilo, and Mae Hanna, 21, Hilo. Takeru Uyeno, 24, 2002 S. King and Misuko Doi, 22, Robello Lane. Karl S. Breidenstein, 39, 859 S.

Hotel and Shirley A. Smith, 32, same address. Francis John Halford, 27, Pleasanton hotel, and Marjory Elizabeth Atherton, 23, 2234 Kamehameha, Ave. MARRIAGE LICENSES Pablo Oyando and Toriba Campo Castillo, Jay Stowell Wright and Mae Hanna, Stanley Shoso Nashiwa and Clara Fumi Iwasaki. MARRIAGES -MARTIN In Honolulu, Aug.

19, James Michael O'Dowda and Miss Dorothy Orme Martin, Judge Francis M. Brooks officiating; witnesses, Lawrence D. Whitnell and Mrs. Kathleen Borba Whitnell. In Honolulu, Aug.

18, William Clyde Center and Miss Eleanor H. Campion, Judge Francis M. Brooks officiating; witEarl R. Jackson and Mrs. nesses, Susie York.

COFFIN-O'SULLIVAN In Honolulu, Aug. 17, Harold Pullman Coffin and Miss Jane Beatrice O'Sullivan, Rev. F. E. Fitzgerald officiating; witnesses, L.

B. Harrison and Clare O'Sullivan. lulu, 17. Emil Hulf Davis and DAVIS-KAHOOKANO In HonoMiss Elizabeth Beth Kahookano, Elder W. M.

Waddoups officiating: witnesses, Samuel Kahookano and Adeline Aona. KEAWE-CHANG In Honolulu, Aug. 10, Edward K. Keawe and Miss Rainbow Chuck Chang, Elder Waddoups officiating; witnesses, Walter K. Napoleon and Cornelia Oba.

Aug. 18, Eleuterio Maniki and Mrs. MANIKI-LORBOTE In Honolulu, Paula B. Lorbote; Rev. Father Bruno Bens officiating: witnesses, Sario Hugo and Catharina Samson.

PANG-PANG In Honolulu, Aug. 17, Man Sing Pang and Mrs. Annie Ho Long Ching, Elder W. M. Waddoups officiating; witnesses Henry N.

Kaa- Legal Notices IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF SHIZUO YAMAsh*tA FOR CHANGE OF NAME- DECREE. On consideration of the petition of SHIZUO YAMAsh*tA, for a decree changing his name to SHIZUO SATO, and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority in me 'by law vested and thereunto enabling, LAWRENCE M. JUDD, Governor of the Territory of Hawaii, do hereby order and decree that the name of SHIZU0 YAMAsh*tA be, and is hereby changed to SHIZUO SATO, and that a copy, of this decree be published for at least four consecutive weeks in the "HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN," a newspaper of general circulation in the Territory of Hawaii, published at Honolulu, Hawaii, in the said Territory, Dated, August 15, 1929, at Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, LAWRENCE M. JUDD, (SEAL) Governor of Hawaii.

(Aug. 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11), nun to a red first class nun. C. 8 G.

8. Charts 4105, 4116, 4130. Coast Pilot, Hawalian Islands, 1923, p. 30. R.

R. Tinkham, superintendent of lighthouses. INTERESTING EVENTS FOR OUR GUESTS Suggestion to visitors in Hawaii For further information telephone 6156, Hawaii Tourist Bureau, 828 Fort Nothing to Bell." TONIGHT hotel roof garden. TOMORROW 7 p. and dance.

Johnny Noble's ballroom orchestra. Royal Hawallan hotel. 7:30 p. m. -Night horseback riding.

Good mounts. Mountain trails on moonlight nights, or on Illuminated track. Kahala Riding Academy. Phone 77506. 7:30 p.

Hawaiian band concert. Hawaiian singers. Neighborhood concert. Cosmopolitan crowd. Interesting district.

Aala park. 8 p. German club dance. In honor of the visiting officers and men of the German cruiser Emden. Two orchestras.

Public welcome. Young 8 a. book of Hawailan songs. The original compilations of "He Buke Mele Hawaii, or "Book of Hawaiian Songs," roost of them composed by the late Queen Liliuokalani, bearing original penned musical notes and annotations and footnotes in Liliuokalani's well known hand is a recent addition on display at the Archives of Hawaii. Palace grounds.

Open from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. today.

8 a. ceremony. The public is invited to attend the planting and dedication of hibiscus, "Minnie Lee." Royal Hawaiian band. Participating in the ceremony will be Governor Lawrence M. Judd, president of the University of Hawaii, Hawaii hall, university campus.

8 a. Cherry blossom sale. Rare fabrics of the Orient, objects of art and of historic value are on exhibit. Store beautifully decorated. An atmosphere of romantic flowery Japan pervades.

Dainty Japanese maids in colorful costumes to assist you. Stores open until 8 p. m. Sponsored by the Japanese Merchants' association. 8 a.

Hawaiian pineapple cannery. In operation today. Free guide service. Call office, Iwilei. Visitors welcome.

Before starting telephone 4931, as operation subject to last minute change. 9:30 a. Queen's trousseau. Gown and veil worn by Queen Emma when she married Kamehameha IlI, and many other mementoes of royalty at Queen Emma home museum, at end of Nuuanu car line. Open from 9:30 a.

m. to noon, 2 p. m. to 5 p. m.

10 a. Surfboard riding and instruction. Visitors should not leave the islands without participating in this exhilarating and thrilling sport. Competent Hawaiian instructors at Moana bathhouse and Outrigger Canoe club, Waikiki. Temporary membership in Outrigger Canoe Club by application to the manager or secretary.

1 p. m. to 5 p. exhibit. The public is invited to view the unusual display provided by the American college of surgeons.

On the third floor of the Queen's hospital. Attendant present to explain diagrams, charts, pictures and equipment. Intensely interesting. 2 p. Christian Temperance Union.

The territorial convention of Women's Christian Temperance Union open today at Y. W. C. Richard St. Public invited.

Mass meeting at 7:30 p. address by Chester H. Rowell. 2 p. Artists and art lovers have been attracted by the exhibition of paintings by Jonas.

Lie, a Norwegian-American, known a painter of light. Honolulu Academy of Arts, 900 Beretania St. Visitors welcome. Free. Open until 9 p.

m. today. 3 p. Junior Olympic champions to perform at Palama. Visiting allaround athletes will go up against four Palana athletes in a five-event program.

Palama settlement, 1361 Palama St. The many races of the Pacific represented. hanui and Elizabeth Kaahanui. HONJA-KODAMA-In In Honolulu, Aug. 19, f*ckuichi Honjo, 1882 Lusitana and Miss Tami M.

Kodama, 827 South Beretania Rev. Shozo Arakawa officiating; witnesses, T. Keamotsu and S. Tsukamoto. In Honolulu, Aug.

19, Tsunezo Yamash*ta and Miss Tsune M. Kawamura, Rev. K. Miyao officiating; witnesses, K. Takaoka and K.

Yokomi. UEBARA-NISHIMIZO In Honolulu, Aug. 17, Shigeru Uehara, of Seaside Hotel, and Miss Shigeko M. Nishimizo, Rev. K.

Miyao officiating; witnesses, Selgi Uehara and Utako Uehara. DEATHS SCOTT-In Queen's Hospital, Aug. 20, Mrs. Margaret Kauhi Scott, wife of Leslie P. Scott, 3751 Crater Kaimuki, native of Papaikou, South Hawaii, 40 years 11 months and 10 days old.

Funeral announcement later. YAMAKI-In Japanese Hospital, Aug. 20, Setsuko, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Densaburo Yamaki, of Pearl City, Oahu, native of same place, 17 days old; cremated yesterday.

ALABAD -In Honolulu, Aug. 19, Juan Alabad, of Waipahu, Oahu, unmarried, agriculturist, native of Philippines, 25 years old; buried yesterday in Loch View cemetery, Pearl City. PAHAA- -In Honolulu, Aug. 19, Pelekila, widow of Kalani Pahaa, of Moiliili, native of Ulupalakua, Maui, 65 rears old. Buried yesterday in Loch View cemetery, Pearl City.

In Kaulkeolani Hospital, Aug. 19, Julia Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Columbus Sanderson, 1230 Kahauiki native of Paia, Maui. 3 years and 10 months old.

Burial in Diamond Head Memorial Park cemetery, Kaimuki. Honolulu, Aug. 19, Mildred Leinaala, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leialoha White, 1510 Kauluwela Lane, native of Honolulu, 6 months old.

Six million persons were reported buying merchandise in England on the instalment plan June 1, 1928, an increase of more than 1,000,000 accounts over 1927. U. S. COAST AND Honolulu Field Station, TIDES, SUN AND MOON HIGH WATER LOW August Time Ht. Time Tuesday 3:35 AM 1.0 20th 2.2 Wednesday 1.1 21st 2.1 Thursday 1.2 22nd 1.9 Friday 1.4 23rd 1.7 Saturday 6:49 AM 1.5 24th 1.5 Sunday 7:47 AM 1.6 25th 1.3 Monday 1.8 26th 1.1 Tuesday 1.9 27th 0.9 The columns of heights give the of chart soundings.

The numbers are unless preceded by the minus sign (-) from the depth given on the chart. To find the time of tide at the as indicated from Honolulu time of tide: Port- h.m. Eleele, Hanapepe Bay, -0 20 Waianae, Oahu 10 Waimanalo, Oahu 50 Kaunakakai, Molokai 15 Kahului, Maui 45 Hilo, Hawaii Kihei, Maalae Bay, Maul Lahaina, Maui Mahukona, Kealakekua, Hawaii Hawaii 84848 POSITION REPORTS By MUTUAL WIRELESS. Positions Reports Aug. 20, 8 p.

m. Mana, Kailua for San Francisco, 352 miles from Kailua. Somme, San Francisco for Honolulu, 340 miles from Honolulu. Lubrico, Richmond for Honolulu, 692 miles from Honolulu. Calawail.

Honolulu for Los Angeles, 1007 miles from Honolulu. Steel Scientist, noon, New York for Honolulu, 1370 miles east Honolulu. Mala, San Francisco for Honolulu, 822 miles from Honolulu. Wilhelmina, Honolulu for Portland, 2261 miles from Honolulu. Malolo, Honolulu for San Francisco, 1911 miles from Honolulu.

Makiki, Seattle for Honolulu, 1327 miles from Honolulu. Mauna Ala. Hilo for San Francisco, 1876 miles from Hilo. Makawao, Aberdeen for Hilo, 1504 miles from Hilo. Vinemoor, Honolulu for Sydney, 1140 miles from Sydney.

Sonoma, Honolulu for Sydney, 4211 miles from San Francisco. Sierra, Sydney for Honolulu, 5187 miles from San Francisco. President Taft, San Francisco for Honolulu, 1561 miles from San Francisco. MALOLO BOOKINGS The following passengers are booked to sail on the Malolo from San Francisco Saturday: Mr. and Mrs.

H. V. Manor, Mr. and Mrs. J.

L. P. Robinson, Miss Margot Armitage, Mrs. Scott. Mr.

and Mrs. H. A. Dunn, Dunn, A. W.

Nolte, A. L. Costa, Mrs. H. Danielwicz, Gibson Bories, Mr.

and Mrs. Chas. Byron Ahl, Mrs. C. Q.

Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Diets, Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, Mr.

and Mrs. Pilorz, Mr. and Mrs. T. M.

Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. C. W.

Hopkins, Miss Louise Struve, Mrs. Frank C. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Harkins, Mr.

and Mrs. W. M. Deane, Miss Susan Deane, G. L.

Chang, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Winslow, David Richards, Chas. H. Neil.

Miss Helen Cooner, Miss Zink, Miss Loretta Babco*ck, Mrs. Emma Sharpe, Miss Maud Farden. Miss Louise Struve, Miss Esther F. McKinney, Mrs. Frank C.

Reynolds, F. M. Franz, John Schaffner, Miss Helen Hu. Miss I. Weight, Miss J.

P. Weight, Miss Wilma Kane, Mrs. C. J. Huckstein, Miss M.

Abel. D. F. McCorriston, C. McCorriston.

Mrs. Harry Newman, Leslie Newman, Miss J. Harriett, Miss E. Pitch, Madame Jeanne Jomelli, Mrs. Martha May, Miss Claralee Cheadle, Henry Thielemann, Miss J.

B. O'Brien, C. Q. Peters, Miss Mary Ruth Ferreira, Somme Sept. 24 Cambrai U.

S. Grant 2 Kenowis Nov. 16 Chateau Thierry Nov. 16 Meigs Dec. 3 Somme 13 Cambrai Jan.

17 Meigs 30 U. S. Grant Feb. 15 St. Mihiel Feb.

18 Kenowis 21 Meigs 18 Cambrai U. S. Grant Chateau Thierry May Meigs 16 ROYAL MAIL LINE For Victoria, Vancouver (for Eastern points via Canadian Pacitio Railway and to Europe), Seattle: Niagara Sept. Aorangi Oct. For Suva, Auckland, Sydney: Aorangi Aug.

28 Niagara 25 For Rates, Apply to Theo. H. Davies Ltd. Los Angeles HOTEL FOOTEr Within easy reach of all points of interest in CALIFORNIA The Hospitable and Homelike Atmosphere of Hotel Clark appeals to travelers from all parts of the world. 555 Rooms Each with Private Bath.

European Plan. Positively Fireproof Every desired luxury, refinement and convenience, Dimmick, Lessee, Hill bet. 4th and 5th, Los Angeles. Secure Reservations at F. DILLINGHAM TRAVEL Fort and Queen Honolulu.

To the ORIENT and Round the World President President Polk Taft 22 Aug. President Jefferson Sept. 5 President Garfield Sept. 13 To SAN FRANCISCO President Lincoln Aug. President Madison Sept.

12 President Jackson Sept. 26 President McKinley Oct. 10 GREAT OIL BURNING LINERS ALL OUTSIDE STATEROOMS DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE McCandless Bldg. Phone 6436 N. Y.

K. LINE WORLD WIDE SERVICE Travel the most reasonable way -use N. Y. K. service for ROUND THE WORLD tours or through to India, Europe, Australia, South Africa and South America, East Coast via the Orient or South America West Coast via Pacific Coast Ports.

DIRECT SERVICE San Francisco, Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Mexico and South America. SAILINGS FOR ORIENT Siberia Maru Sept. Taiyo Maru Sept. Tenyo Maru Oct. Korea Maru Oct.

15 Shinyo Maru Oct. 29 63 Merchant St. Phone 6198 Miss Isabel Weight. Mra. Isabelle Creighton, Mrs.

Joy Carrosio, Miss Garrett, R. A. Isenberg. Mrs. B.

F. Miller, Miss Mary Miller, Mrs. Ellen Thrum, Mrs. C. H.

W. Hitchco*ck, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Miss Marion Sylvester, Miss Naomi Taylor, Miss A. Sawyer, Miss Mabel Powell.

Mrs. H. Hadfield, Mra. F. Koehler, Miss Lucy J.

Koehler, Miss Joy Scheld, Miss Regina Brady, Miss Alice Noble, Miss Lucy Barber, Miss Margaret Van Cleve, Miss Phyllis Carr. Mr. and Mrs. C. T.

Parrent, R. Harker, Miss Grace Fulen, Miss Esther Souza, Mrs. H. W. Waltz, Miss Leonette Brin, Miss H.

Fiddes, Mrs. Loretta Clark, Mrs. James Watson, Mr. and Mrs. George Lowson, Miss L.

Zink, Mrs. A. Gabriel, Dr. Clifford Johnson, Fred Murphy. Miss Luella Lawson, Mrs.

P. J. Little, Mrs. A. H.

Armitage, John Armitage. Mrs. Eva N. Beveridge, Miss Zoe Alice Beveridge, Mrs. Margaret Tomlinson, Miss Rowena Anderson, Mrs.

L. M. Dunbar, Mrs. Wm. Dunbar, Miss Edna Orr, Miss Ruth Rankin, D.

Anderson, Miss Stella Nomura, Miss Isuyo Nomura, Mrs. H. H. Hitchco*ck, Miss Helen Hitchco*ck, Miss Hester Hitchco*ck. Mrs.

Frank J. Johnson, Mrs. D. P. McGregor, Miss Lois Chipier, Miss Mary Ruth Ferreira, Mrs.

Margaret A Green, Miss Fay Montgomery, Mis Leona Gaul, John R. Bisho, Mr. and Mrs. R. T.

Spencer, Wm. B. Lewis, Wm. Jackson, Miss Ottalee Gill, Miss Edith Russell. Miss D.

Morita, Miss Mary McKenzie. Miss Mary Stimson, Miss Helen Watson, Miss Maurine Watson, Miss Olive Williams, Miss Thelma Boblet, Miss M. Chapman, Miss Elizabeth: Ashe, Miss Elizabeth, Miss Helen Hav. lichek, Miss H. B.

Peppin, Miss F. Lemmen, Mrs. D. P. McGregor, Miss Myrtle Holmsted, Miss Louise Palmer.

Mr. and Mrs. V. DeCoito, Henry McRee, Dudley H. Pierce.

Miss Ayoka Kono, Mrs. Flora Brown, Miss Carey D. Miller, Miss Katherine Murphy, Miss Kathryn Donovan. NOTICE TO MARINERS Hawaiian Islands: Maui island, north coast, Kahului harbor en- trance, buoy 2, changed August 17, 1929, from second class tall type Mainland Sailing With the finest of accommodations and service on the LASSCO flagship OF LOS ANGELES Sails Saturday, 10 a. 8 Direct to Los Angeles TO HILO A marvelous daylight view of Windward Molokai -Kilauea Volcano- giant fern forests- all the wonders of the world-famous Hawaii National Park S.

S. CITY OF HONOLULU Sailing Monday, Sept. 2 12 Noon- -Pier 8 LASSCO LOS ANGELES STEAMSHIP CO. B. F.

DILLINGHAM Led. General Agents Fort and Queen Streets, Honolula Tel. 6220 84-8 Notice to Passengers and Shippers S. S. "HUMUULA" to On Hilo account the of a special "HUMUULA," voyage SE S.

S. sailing from Honolulu at 10:00 A. M. THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, for Mahukona and Kawaihae via Kaumalapau and Lahaina- omit Kailua. On her return, LEAVING HILO at NOON FRIDAY, AUGUST 23rd, she will omit Mahukona, and sail FOR HONOLULU via Lahaina.

Passengers, MAIL and PERISHABLES only will be accepted on this voyage. Inter Island Steam Navigation Ltd. Whether it be lost or not, it is an easy matter to find fault. September MATSON SAILINGS To San Francisco MATSONIA Sept. 11.

Pier 11-Noon Arrives San Francisco Sept. 17 MALOLO Sept. 12 Pier 11-4 P. M. Arrives San Francisco Sept.

17 MANOA Sept. 18 Pier 9-Noon Arrives San Francisco Sept. 25 SONOMA Sept. 20 Pier P. M.

Arrives San Francisco Sept. 26 MAUI Sept. 25 Pier 11-Noon Arrives San Francisco Oct. 1 To the Northwest WILHELMINA Sept. 3 Arrives Seattle Sept.

11 WILHELMINA Sept. 24 Arrives Portland Oct. 2 South Seas and Australia VENTURA Sept. 4 Pier P. M.

SIERRA -Sept. 25 Pier 68:30 Our representative will call and arrange reservations, tickets and all details for your trip. Phone 1221. Castle co*cke, Ltd. Agents at Honolulu for Matson Line Serving: San Francisco Seattle -Portland- South Seas -Australia Branches: Royal Hawaiian Hotel and Moana Hotel ST STORAGE Phone 1281 or 3579-City Transfer WE STORE EVERYTHING Island Headquarters in San Francisco HOTEL STEWART RT Famous for good service, comfortable accommodations and excellent cuisine at very moderate rates.

Breakfast 50c, 60c, 75c. Lunch 65c, Sundays 75c. Dinner $1.00, Sundays $1.25. The STEWART is on Geary Street just off Union Square and is close to the best stores, cafes and theatres Municipal car line passes the door. Stewart Bus with uniformed representative meets all steamers.

Charles A. Stewart and Margaret Stewart, Proprietors, Cable Address John Effinger, Alex Young Honolulu Rep. 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.9 0.2 0.8 SERVICE FIRST Quicker Safer Easier Your furniture, household goods, piano and other valuable goods are safe from damage if moved in a high-powered van fully equipped for maximum safety. Safety, speed and lowest prices we're ready for you when you want us! PHONE 4981 BAGGAGE DELIVERED TO AND FROM ANY PART OF THE CITY. STORAGE AT NOMINAL BATES.


Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)


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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.